Shade-Tolerant Roses

  • #25553OR
    $32.95 - In Stock
    This lovely rose is one of the best repeat blooming, large-flowered climbing roses. Its sprays of pearl pink,...
  • #25677OR
    $33.95 - In Stock
    (Hybrid Kordesii) One of the most popular roses for northern climates. It can be kept right on an arbor or trellis...
  • #25689BD
    $33.95 - In Stock
    The nonfading cerise pink blooms of this rose have exquisite fragrance. One of the few roses that blooms well in open...
  • #24379BD
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #22571, Var: WEKcharlie) Set against deep green leaves so highly glossed they could almost serve as a...
  • #24388BD
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #22587, Var: HARpageant) Swirling shades of mango-orange, peach-pink and honey-apricot form blooms that...
  • #24503BD
    $30.95 - In Stock
    (Var: KORbin) A slender bud of crystal white opens quickly to form huge white blooms that are very resistant to rain...
  • #23521BD
    $25.95 - In Stock
    (Var: WERina) Full blossoms are reminiscent of an Arizona sunset with deep golden-orange tones layered with hints of...
  • #23648BD
    $36.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #23455, Var: WEKfunk) No two flowers are exactly alike on this color-changing rose. Black-red buds open...
  • #23911BD
    $33.95 - Out of Stock
    (Var: AROlaqueli) If powerfully perfumed, long-lasting, luscious lavender-mauve roses are what you desire, then...
  • #23947BD
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Var: JACtwin) The high-centered, exhibition quality, scarlet-red blooms are illuminated with incandescent white on...
  • #24245BD
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #24725, Var: WEKebtidere) Clusters of deep, velvety magenta blooms overlaid with a wisp of smoke spiral...
  • #25067OR
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #18542, Var: MEIggili) Double blooms of soft peach blanket this low-growing rose in spring and continue...
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