Shade-Tolerant Roses

  • #25080OR
    $30.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #24773, Var: NOVarospop) Like a buttery mound of fresh popcorn, this rose is a delicious treat!...
  • #23976BD
    $33.95 - In Stock
    Incredibly huge blooms are the claim to fame for this rose. Long buds spiral open into large, golden apricot blooms...
  • #24776OR
    $26.95 - In Stock
    (VAR: SAValife) Gold glistens on this gorgeous golden-yellow reward for rose lovers and leprechauns who seek it. It...
  • #24810BD
    $36.95 - In Stock
    Even after more than 100 years, this rugosa is treasured in gardens everywhere. It continuously produces pure white,...
  • #24825OR
    $28.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #19803, Var: RADral) The cup-like, double blooms capture brilliant hues of orange, orange-red and...
  • #24880OR
    $28.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #16202, Var: RADtko) This member of the Knock Out family features full, double, cherry red flowers with...
  • #24897BD
    $36.95 - In Stock
    Renowned internationally as being wonderfully hardy and a perpetual bloomer. Its shimmering light pink single blooms...
  • #24925OR
    $33.95 - In Stock
    This splendid rose has been gracing landscapes since 1905. Throughout the summer, it offers a repeated display of...
  • #25045OR
    $33.95 - In Stock
    (Var: BAIbox) Gorgeous blooms have buttery yellow centers with brushed accents of soft pink on the petal edges,...
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