Product Details
Growing Zones 5 to 9
Page Number 22
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 5-5-7
Flowering Season Summer
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant Very Strong
Size Shipped 2 year, #1 grade
Height 3 ft to 5 ft
Flowering Yes
Petal Count 60-100
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Pink
Bareroot y
Deciduous y
Prune Time Late fall and early spring
Disease Resistant y
Genus Rosa
Species hybrida
Subspecies MEIdysouk
Common Name Rose, Hybrid Tea, Princesse Charlene de Monaco®

Rose, Hybrid Tea, Princesse Charlene de Monaco®

Buy 5 or more for $29.95 each
(Plant Patent #24296, Var. MEIdysouk) Each large blossom is a unique blend of luscious, light apricot and shell pink, enhanced with ruffled petal edges and an unforgettably alluring scent. The plant shows excellent disease resistance for its type and yields abundant blooms for gorgeous, fit for-a-princess cut flower bouquets.
Bare Root Own Root

Growing Zone: 5 to 9

Light Requirements: Full Sun

Own Root

Height: 3 ft to 5 ft

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 5 to 9
Page Number 22
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 5-5-7
Flowering Season Summer
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant Very Strong
Size Shipped 2 year, #1 grade
Height 3 ft to 5 ft
Flowering Yes
Petal Count 60-100
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Pink
Bareroot y
Deciduous y
Prune Time Late fall and early spring
Disease Resistant y
Genus Rosa
Species hybrida
Subspecies MEIdysouk
Common Name Rose, Hybrid Tea, Princesse Charlene de Monaco®


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Stunning and hardy
Jun 23, 2024  |  By Deirdre
I have 15 rose bushes of various kinds and this one might be my favorite.
In the first season after planting, it shot up about 5 feet and gave beautiful blooms.
This spring (a year later), I counted about 50 blooms on the bush for the first flush! They were all just gorgeous: glowing and big and fragrant. So, so elegant. The bush itself has a nice shape with a lighter green color, pretty leaf shape, and, most importantly, is healthy! I haven't had to fret over any diseases as yet and only did a bit of maintenance in early spring by picking off some aphids (not too bad). Now it's late June and I've done some pruning... we'll see how she performs the rest of the season.
Looking forward to seeing how she keeps growing! She's a winner!

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Pleasantly surprised by huge plants!
Apr 12, 2024  |  By Sarah Perry
This is my favorite rose and I've ordered one before from another seller but it was much smaller than these. I was pleasantly surprised that they both had multiple huge 3/4 inch diameter canes on them, way bigger than I was expecting. They're both bigger than my existing rose of this variety that's a year old! First time ordering from this seller, great experience.

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Unexpected Size
Nov 10, 2023  |  By Princess Lover
A beautiful, thriving rose. The flower size, number, fragrance are all astounding. Planted as a specimen in streetside planters as a showy rose to be enjoyed by the neighborhood. Many positive comments by passers-by. But, she's not 3.5 to 5 ft. In a single year she's grown to nearly 12 ft tall and is thriving with only 1 preventative spraying. But the number of flowers and fragrance-wonderful. And she's still flowering in mid-November.

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