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  • #24026BD
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #27272, Var: WEKdereroro) With Rock & Roll in its lineage, it makes sense to name this rose after...
  • #24030BD
    $38.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #16614, Var: WEKhilpurnil) Intense, sweet fragrance and elegant, classic form combine to make this rose...
  • #24032BD
    $33.95 - In Stock
    (Var: KORgold) As each lemon-colored blossom curls open to greet the day, it's like a breath of fresh air for anyone...
  • #24033BD
    $31.95 - In Stock
    (Var: MACgenev) Though its large, luminous, shell pink blooms open a little too fast for exhibition, New Zealand has...
  • #24059OR
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #29165, Var: KORoligeo) The high-centered blooms are a delightful combination of golden yellow mixed...
  • #24068BD
    $36.95 - Out of Stock
    (Var: MACauck) Exquisite blooms of pure, clear red have all the qualities of a great exhibition rose and are borne so...
  • #24078BD
    $34.95 - Out of Stock
    (Plant Patent #21577, Var: ORAclelon) The Just Joey fan club will jump for joy at the sight of this retooled version....
  • #24079BD
    $30.95 - Out of Stock
    (Var: MEIcesar) Rich, velvety blooms have a long vase life and adorn sturdy stems, making this the ultimate cutting...
  • #24080BD
    $29.95 - In Stock
    (Var: WEZeip) Nirvana is not far off when you encounter this rose. Breathe in the light fruity scent as you gaze at...
  • #24085BD
    $33.95 - In Stock
    Hands down the most popular rose ever hybridized, and still going strong. Big, rugged plants will stay clean as long...
  • #24086BD
    $32.95 - In Stock
    (PPAF, Var: TEXpeaswi) Lavish swirls of peach, apricot and creamy yellow create a breathtaking display. The large,...
  • #24096BD
    $29.95 - In Stock
    The powerful perfume of damask rose lures you in to take a closer look at the brilliant, lipstick pink flowers....
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