Grandiflora Roses

Crosses between hybrid tea and floribunda roses. Grandiflora roses typically possess the qualities of both parental types. Classic large, showy blooms that may be borne singularly or clustered. Plants are generally large, vigorous and grow in a more upright habit than hybrid tea roses.
  • #24245BD
    $34.95 - In Stock
    (Plant Patent #24725, Var: WEKebtidere) Clusters of deep, velvety magenta blooms overlaid with a wisp of smoke spiral...
  • #24250BD
    $39.95 - In Stock
    (Var: WEKabacima) Cupped and quartered blooms on plants with modern resistance to rust and mildews, this rose offers...
  • #24258BD
    $29.95 - In Stock
    (Var: MACwaihe) Don't judge this rose by its flower size. Blooming in flushes throughout the season, the flowers...
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